
Discover the best free-range eggs from our happy hens at Happy Hen Gardens. Our hens are well-cared for and produce  delicious eggs daily!

Our happy hens lay the most beautiful and delicious rainbow eggs! We are currently getting an average of 30 eggs each day.  If you’d like to make a special order to make sure you can get a dozen or two each week, just contact us to make the arrangements.

Pricing: $7 per dozen

egg carton

This is Peep, she is a ‘Delaware’ Hen.  She is pretty much at the top of the pecking order.  Although she is fierce with the other hens to keep her status, she is sweet and docile and lets us pet her.  

Meet Cheddar, she is less than a year old and lays blue eggs! She is a sweet hen and loves to hang with her sister Swiss!

This is Kitty Con, named by my daughter.  She is a Barred Rock Hen and is an excellent forager.  Every time I put my shovel into the soil to dig up weeds, she is there ready to get a bug or a worm.  

We have 62 hens and 25 baby chicks coming soon in February!

We hope you visit us and meet the girls soon!