
U-Pick Thursdays & Saturdays

Come & walk our gardens & pick the flowers you want!

Sunflowers, Roses,Dahlias, Snapdragons, Hydrangea, Zinnias, Asters, Coneflowers, Sweet Peas, Eryngium, Grasses, Rudbeckia, Yarrow, Honeywort, Salvia, Jerusalem Sage, Miscanthus, Gium, Mint, Shasta Daisy, Lady’s Mantle, Sedum, Vervain, Gooseneck Loosestrife, Venidium & Bupleurum.

There are SO MANY MORE FLOWERS not mentioned but planted at the property!


20 STEMS FOR $25

15 STEMS FOR $20

Need a large quantity of stems? Contact Michelle for more info at

This U-Pick crew visited us in 2024 to pick blooms for a wedding! Clover the corgi jumped in to say hi.